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Англо-русский словарь - hawk


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Перевод с английского языка hawk на русский

 1. noun
 1) ястреб; сокол
 2) хищник (о человеке)
 3) amer. сторонник жесткого курса (в политике)
 2. v.
 1) охотиться с ястребом или соколом
 2) налетать как ястреб (at - на) II v.
 1) торговать вразнос
 2) распространять (слухи, сплетни и т.п.) - hawk praises III v. откашливать(ся), отхаркивать(ся) IV noun сокол (инструмент штукатура)
HAWK praises расточать похвалы
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См. в других словарях

  1. хищная птица, сокол, ястреб и т. п. 2. зоол. сокол (Falco) 3. хищник 4. обманщик, мошенник 5. полит. "ястреб"; сторонник жесткой политики doves and hawks —- "голуби" и "ястребы" Id: hawk will not pick hawk's eyes out —- ворон ворону глаз не выклюет Id: to have eyes like a hawk —- иметь острое зрение (зоркий глаз) Id: to know a hawk from a handsaw (hernsew) —- уметь отличить кукушку от ястреба 6. охотиться с ястребом или соколом 7. хватать добычу на лету (о хищных птицах); ловить насекомых (о птицах) birds hawk insects in the air —- птицы ловят насекомых на лету 8. налетать коршуном, стремительно нападать, налетать (на кого-л.) to hawk at smb. —- гоняться за кем-л., нападать на кого-л. 9. сокол (инструмент штукатура) 10. откашливание, отхаркивание 11. откашливать, отхаркивать 12. откашливаться, отхаркиваться 13. торговать вразнос; торговать на улицах (обычно шумно предлагая товар) to hawk fruit —- торговать фруктами вразнос 14. распространять, разносить (слухи и т. п.) to hawk news about —- распространять новости to hawk (one's) praises —- расточать похвалы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  "Хок" ("Сокол") Зенитная управляемая ракета ПВО класса "земля-воздух" МИМ-23 MIM-23. Оснащена неядерными боеголовками, предназначена для нанесения ударов по воздушным целям на небольшой и средней высоте. Тж. Bae Hawk ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) небольшая хищная птица 2) сокол (Falco) 3) энт. бражник; pl бражники (Sphingidae) – African hawk – American sparrow hawk – barred honey hawk – barred princeps hawk – bat hawk – bedstraw hawk – bicolored hawk – bird hawks – black hawk – black-collared hawk – black-faced hawk – blue hawk – broad-bordered bee hawk – broad-winged hawk – bush hawk – convolvulus hawk – crab hawk – crane hawk – crested honey hawk – dead's head hawk – double-toothed hawk – duck hawk – eyed hawk – ferruginous hawk – fish hawk – gabar hawk – Galapagos hawk – gray hawk – harrier hawk – Harris' hawk – honey hawk – hummingbird hawk – imitator hawk – insect hawk – Levant sparrow hawk – lime hawk – long-tailed hawk – mantled hawk – marsh hawk – mosquito hawk – narrow-bordered bec hawk – oleander hawk – pigeon hawk – poplar hawk – privet hawk – red-shouldered hawk – red-tailed hawk – roadside hawk – rough-legged hawk – rufous crab hawk – sea hawk – sharp-shinned hawk – short-tailed hawk – silver-striped hawk – snail hawk – sparrow hawk – spurge hawk – striped hawk – swamp hawk – tarantule hawk – tiny hawk – tomato hawk – white hawk – white-tailed hawk – zone-tailed hawk ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. торг. торговать вразнос, торговать с рук (неформально (напр., на улице)) hawk around - проталкивать идею On every street corner there were traders hawking their wares. - На каждом углу стояли торговцы, предлагающие свои товары. Syn: handle I 1) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  распространять - plasterer's hawk ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сокол (штукатура, каменщика) ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сокол (инструмент штукатура) - light-alloy hawk - wooden hawk ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 any of various diurnal birds of prey of the family Accipitridae, having a characteristic curved beak, rounded short wings, and a long tail. 2 Polit. a person who advocates an aggressive or warlike policy, esp. in foreign affairs. 3 a rapacious person. --v. 1 intr. hunt game with a hawk. 2 intr. (often foll. by at) & tr. attack, as a hawk does. 3 intr. (of a bird) hunt on the wing for food. Phrases and idioms hawk-eyed keen-sighted. hawk moth any darting and hovering moth of the family Sphingidae, having narrow forewings and a stout body. hawk-nosed having an aquiline nose. Derivatives hawkish adj. hawkishness n. hawklike adj. Etymology: OE h(e)afoc, h{aelig}buc f. Gmc 2. v.tr. 1 carry about or offer around (goods) for sale. 2 (often foll. by about) relate (news, gossip, etc.) freely. Etymology: back-form. f. HAWKER(1) 3. v. 1 intr. clear the throat noisily. 2 tr. (foll. by up) bring (phlegm etc.) up from the throat. Etymology: prob. imit. 4. n. a plasterer's square board with a handle underneath for carrying plaster or mortar. Etymology: 17th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English hauk, from Old English hafoc; akin to Old High German habuh ~, Russian kobets a falcon  Date: before 12th century  1. any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group; especially accipiter  2. a small board or metal sheet with a handle on the underside used to hold mortar  3. one who takes a militant attitude and advocates immediate vigorous action; especially a supporter of a war or warlike policy — compare dove  • ~ish adjective  • ~ishly adverb  • ~ishness noun  II. verb  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to hunt birds by means of a trained ~  2. to soar and strike like a ~  transitive verb to hunt on the wing like a ~  III. verb  Etymology: imitative  Date: 1581  transitive verb to raise by trying to clear the throat ~ up phlegm  intransitive verb to utter a harsh guttural sound in or as if in ~ing  IV. noun  Date: 1604 an audible effort to force up phlegm from the throat  V. transitive verb  Etymology: back-formation from 2~er  Date: 1713 to offer for sale by calling out in the street ~ing newspapers; broadly sell ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (hawks, hawking, hawked) 1. A hawk is a large bird with a short, hooked beak, sharp claws, and very good eyesight. Hawks catch and eat small birds and animals. N-COUNT 2. In politics, if you refer to someone as a hawk, you mean that they believe in using force and violence to achieve something, rather than using more peaceful or diplomatic methods. Compare dove. Both hawks and doves have expanded their conditions for ending the war. ? dove N-COUNT 3. If someone hawks goods, they sell them by walking through the streets or knocking at people’s houses, and asking people to buy them. (OLD-FASHIONED) ...vendors hawking trinkets. = peddle VERB: V n 4. You can say that someone is hawking something if you do not like the forceful way in which they are asking people to buy it. Developers will be hawking cut-price flats and houses. VERB: V n c darkgreen]disapproval 5. If you watch someone like a hawk, you observe them very carefully, usually to make sure that they do not make a mistake or do something you do not want them to do. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a large bird that hunts and eats small birds and animals 2 a politician who believes in using military force  (Meese and other hawks in the Reaganite administration)  (- opposite dove1 (2)) 3 watch sb like a hawk to watch someone very carefully 4 have eyes like a hawk to be quick to notice things, especially small details ~2 v 1 to try to sell goods by carrying them around 2 to cough up phlegm ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Help Acquire The World's Knowledge educ. abbr. Homeschoolers Of Annapolis And West Kings NASDAQ abbr. Hawk Industries, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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